New Air Conditioning Units

Some Things to Ask Your Air Conditioner Company Prior to AC Installation

Your Air Conditioner is on the fritz. It has been making horrible noises, and you need a new air conditioner. When you purchase your new Air Conditioner Unit, you expect it to perform better and more efficiently than the one it is replacing. Did you know that over half of the new air conditioner units are not properly installed, and as a result do not perform as efficiently as they should? Improper installation reduces performance by as much as 30%. This affects your electric bill, possible dust problems due to bad duct work, and improper air distribution.

Make sure your AC contractor follows the proper Energy Star Installation Guidelines. Here are some questions to ask your air conditioner technician to make sure your new AC unit is properly installed:


If your air conditioner unit is old and you suspect that it may need replaced. Call the HVAC specialists at Ideal Services. (435) 500-5225. Our specialists will come out to your home to determine if your existing system can be salvaged, or if you need a new system. Always a free estimate- always an iron clad guarantee.

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